Selling skills in the post lockdown world
When we come out of lockdown those of us in sales need to be well prepared to adapt our selling skills. Many things will...
Tell me moreMany of our clients prefer the flexibility and individual focus of one-to-one coaching or seek coaching after participating in a group development programme. Change and development occurs at many levels: mental, emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual. Coaching offers an opportunity to explore these multiple dimensions and formulate strategies that align and are more likely to bring about sustainable change and growth to meet both today and tomorrow’s challenges.
Coaching clients report that they can operate more effectively in multiple contexts and employ practical methods for reducing the factors (internal and external) that are holding them back. They have greater resilience to ride the ups and downs of organisational life; feel more centered and self-assured; understand their emotions; release and focus their energy; see themselves and their challenges in context and not take everything ‘just’ personally. They feel re-energised to work towards meaningful goals. Our coaching can be delivered virtually or face-to-face.